In short, they are simply another way to tell your program HOW to search through data. Should it care about the capitalization of letters, or ignore it? Only look in the title, or also in the body of text? Surely you’ve seen all kinds of ways to narrow down your search, and today you’ll discover the most complex, but powerful tool of it all: Regular Expressions. Its meaning is universally understood by anyone working with computers nowadays, especially as we need to “find” what we are looking for in an ever-increasing flood of data.Īnd when you type your query into the search field, how does the computer match your query to the given information? You may have used this keyboard shortcut before: CTRL+F. We have a lot to cover, so let’s dive in! What Are Regular Expressions? If you’re ready to take the next step in your tracking, then read on to learn how to use RegEx in Google Tag Manager. Knowing how to use RegEx is an essential skill when it comes to leveling up your GTM implementations. Some of what you have to look forward to: In this post, you will learn all about using RegEx in Google Tag Manager. Nowadays, RegEx can be used in loads of different tools like Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Google Sheets, and Google Tag Manager to name a few.

You can save a lot of time and consolidate most of your Tags, triggers, and variables just by using RegEx. In GTM, RegEx lets you create super versatile and precise tracking deployments. Regular Expressions, or “RegEx,” is a powerful criteria-based language that can dramatically boost your data-driven digital marketing in tools like Google Tag Manager.